You and your staff can now call, or text or email your public works compliance questions as often as you need to. No more worries about getting it wrong, only to be fined later by the DIR. No more unpredictable legal bills every month for those basic yet critical prevailing wage legal questions you need answers to RIGHT NOW. At PWCA, we understand the power of ANSWERS NOW. So, if your staff calls today, we’ll assist you today. Simple as that.
On occasion, the State Labor Commissioner or the Federal Department of Labor Chief will investigate a project that names all contractors and engineers. When that happens, PWCA’s Legal Department moves swiftly into action to protect its clients against steep fines and penalties.
Since the DIR can go back as far as eighteen months from the final completion of a project, fines and penalties can compound for each day the infractions remain outstanding. Knowing this, PWCA’s legal team will audit then correct those infractions that can be corrected and mitigate those infractions that can’t be corrected. The key is to have PWCA audit your past projects before the DIR does.