Custom Training

Custom In-House Compliance Training
“PWCA offered in-house training for 3 departments all in one day: Sales and Estimating Dept., Project Management Dept. and the Administrative Dept. At first, I was nervous as to how the employees would respond to compliance training, but afterwards, the CEO and I were overwhelmed with the response from everyone who attended. Our in-house training was a great success!”
We Bring Compliance To You With
Custom In-House Training
3-Part Compliance Training Itinerary for Staff
ESTIMATORS and/or SALESMEN (8:30 – 10:00 am)
- How the DIR Defines and Enforces Public Works Compliance?
- How Estimators Can Assist With Penalty Prevention
- How Salesmen Can Help Avoid DIR Investigations
- Reviewing Documents For DIR-Compliance Purposes
- When Selling, Consider Strict Dir-Apprenticeship Requirements
- When Selling, Consider Co-Workers Downstream
- Why A DIR Investigation Would Go Through the Estimation
- Why Communicating Is Essential to Penalty Prevention
- When Bidding or Selling, Consider Wage-Rate Increases
- Roles and Responsibilities To Your Payroll Department
- The Four-Part Puzzle to The Labor Law
- What Must Estimators Do to Comply with the Law?
- The Certified Payroll’s 5-PART Puzzle
- Getting All the Prevailing Wage Pieces to Come Together
- Penalty-Prevention Pointers for Sales and Estimators
PROJECT MANAGERS (10:00 am – 12:00 pm)
- Audio Recording of a Client Receiving A DIR Investigation
- How PM’s Are Often the Problem That Leads to Penalties
- How Wage Theft Can Lead To A 1-year Debarment
- Public Works Violations Can Suspend Contractors’ Licenses
- Understanding the Skilled and Trained Workforce Works
- CAC-Mandated Documents Regarding Apprentices
- Understanding DIR Wage Determination Symbols
- Schedule of Penalties for Failure to File DAS 140 & 142’s
- The 10 “Thou Shalt Nots” Regarding Apprentices
LUNCH (12:00 pm – 1:00 pm)
HR / ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF (1:00 pm – 4:30 pm)
- Open Discussion on Compliance Challenges
- Eight Strategic Communication Tactics with the DIR
- Labor Code: What is Public Works and What is Not
- Ten Common Ways HR Miscalculates Certified Payroll
- How to Be Compliant With the Apprentice 5-to-1 Ratio
- What To Do When the GC Fails to Give A DIR Number
- Labor Code 1776(c) Regarding Form A-1-131
- How to Navigate a Public Works Contract for Compliance
- California vs. Federal Prevailing Wage Mandates
- Skilled and Trained Workforce Procedures, Step-by-Step
- The Four-Part Puzzle to the Labor Law HR Needs To Know
- The Certified Payroll’s 5-PART Puzzle
- Getting All the Prevailing Wage Pieces to Come Together
- Warnings About General Contractors and Awarding Bodies?
- Wage Determination,– 6 Stage
- Navigating the DIR’s Website
At PWCA we are dedicated to safeguarding the employer’s labor law rights.
Call us: 559-570-2158