Skilled & Trained Workforce
Webinar Itinerary

Entry-Level DIR Prevailing Wage Webinar
I thought the training was well done and fairly intensive. It took me about 6 months on the job to really learn the concepts you taught in one day . . .
I really enjoyed the interactive element with the training and real scenarios that pop up with projects. It was nice having two instructors to change up the pace and to bring that interactive element into focus in the virtual world also . . .
Looking forward to checking out the next level of training and other programs PWCA offers.
PWCA CRUSH IT Skilled & Trained Workforce Webinar
Schedule: Sessions & Topics
Morning Session:
- 8:00 am – Registration
- 8:30 am – Part One: Skilled and Trained Workforce 101: Unpacking the Basics
- 9:00 am – What is the Skilled & Trained Workforce Mandate?
- 9:30 am – What are the STWF goals for 2021?
- 10:00 am – A.B. 3018 (2018) to Chapter 2.9, Public Contract Code sections 2600 – 2603,
which took effect on January 1, 2019 - 10:30 am – The 30/60 Workforce Rule
- 11:00 am – The 30/60 Workforce Rule
- 11:15 am – The 60% Workforce Rule by “general” craft
- 11:30 am – Why does the skilled and strained workforce mandate exist in the first place?
- 11:45 am – Understanding the responsibilities of the awarding body
- 12:00 pm – Lunch Break
Afternoon Session: - 1:00 pm – Part Two: Skilled & Trained Mandates and Safe Harbor Procedures
- 1:30 pm – Review a Bid Invitation with the Skilled and Trained Workforce Mandate
- 2:00 pm – Review an Actual Contract with the Skilled and Trained Workforce Mandate
- 2:30 pm – Where is Safe Harbor on a Skilled and Trained Workforce Project?
- 2:45 pm – Part Three: When STWF Compliance is Not Possible
- 3:00 pm – Why the General Contractor Would Request Substantial Compliance Reports
- 3:15 pm – Hiring Requirements as Set Forth by Education Code Section 17407.5
- 3:30 pm – What the Workforce Reports Will Identify
- 3:45 pm – Mandated Timeframe for Submitting STWF Reports
- 4:00 pm – Incomplete Reports to the General Contractor
- 4:15 pm – No Report Produced by the Subcontractor
- 4:30 pm – End of Project Reconciliation
- 4:45 pm – Define and Review the “Substantial Compliance Report” of the Skilled and Trained Workforce Mandate
- 5:00 pm – Fines and Penalties for Failure to Comply