Announcing A Rare, One-Of-A-Kind Prevailing-Wage Law
and Certified Payroll Symposium!

Join us for the PWCA CRUSH IT™
Prevailing Wage Seminars July 21 & 22 2021!
Day 1
Itinerary: Day 1: Owners, Project Managers Salesmen & Estimators (or “OPSE”)
Instructor: Michael McCoy, VP of Legal
Day one of this seminar series was designed for owners, salesmen/estimators, and project managers.
We will unpack the most critical Labor Code Section 1720 details OPSE’s must know to avoid six-figure DIR fines, penalties and liquidated damages. Experience teaches that more than 85% of prevailing wage fines and penalties are as a result of OPSE’s failure to timely provide the most basic but crucial information needed by the payroll department for the timely submission of documents to the DIR. During this session, PWCA’s vice president of Legal will guide OPSE’s through all the necessary steps to prevent DIR penalties, while maximizing OPSE’s profits at the same time.

Day 2
Instructors: Michael McCoy, Christina Castillo, Mai Xiong-Saetern
Day two of this seminar series was designed for the Payroll, Human Resources and Office Management (or “PHRO”).
PWCA’s compliance experts will unpack the most critical information PHRO’s must know to avoid unnecessary DIR fines, penalties and liquidated damages. You will discover the most efficient day-to-day administration and certified payroll processes, including, but not limited to, (1) the DIR’s wage determination process from the DIR’s website, (2) the data entry process for the electronic certified payroll uploads to the DIR, (3) how to comply with all DAS-apprenticeship standards for each craft on every project, (4) how to calculate and complete fringe benefit statements for each worker, either union or DIR, (5) calculating and paying training fund contributions to the appropriate apprenticeship entities, and (6) completing your in-house A-1-131 certified payroll records. In this session, we will also cover the Skilled & Trained Workforce (STWF) mandates, including the monthly reporting process pursuant to the Public Contract Code, Sections 2600 through 2603. Lastly, to avoid steep fines for noncompliance, your PWCA instructors will discuss the significant methods PHRO should utilize to accurately and routinely monitor sub-tier contractors’ certified payroll records.
The Crush it Seminar was amazing! I thoroughly enjoyed it!
Being the only person in the office who handles the Prevailing Wage & Certified Payroll, and ensuring that EPS stays in compliance/Safe Harbor – My only wish is that more of our Sales force, PM’s and above would have been in attendance! I believe it would really help to make my job more understood, respected and appreciated – And hopefully then taken more seriously!
If you plan to purchase tickets for 3 or more attendees from your company click here to purchase your tickets and enter the promo code: 3ORMORE (Must be all caps) on checkout.

Just a short walk from the Carrillo Ballroom is Stearns Wharf. A beautiful, scenic location to visit following a day of intense training.
You can relax in the comfortable courtyard lounge while resting under the cover of a beautiful Santa Barbara summer evening.
During the daytime breaks between training sessions, enjoy a cool beverage while taking in the warm summer breeze from the Pacific Ocean nearby.