Certified Payroll Training
Resort Style . . .

Join us for the Annual PWCA CRUSH IT™
Prevailing Wage Seminars on the Beach!
Never before has DIR prevailing wage training been associated with a 5-star resort on the beach . . . that is . . . until now. Each year, in the Fall, PWCA hosts its marquee Southern California Compliance Training Symposium at the Huntington Beach Hilton Waterfront Resort.
Day 1
Day 1 is our step-by-step public works bidding class, complete with workbook and worksheets covering state and federal bidding procedures.
Day 2
Day 2 is our step-by-step entry-level class—from DIR registration to navigating the DIR’s wage determination process.
Day 3
Day 3 is our comprehensive advanced level class—from comprehensive contract law to solving a complex wage determination puzzle.
Our official Fall date for this event will be announced in June of 2021. For a no obligation reservation, email Niqui McCoy at office@pwca-ca.com.
I recommend that anyone who needs prevailing wage compliance training should take the PWCA CRUSH IT Prevailing Wage Seminar. The instructor was a fantastic presenter and teacher. I learned so much and have a much better understanding on the prevailing wage certified payroll process. I learned more in the first two hours in this class than I did in eight hours of other prevailing wage courses I have taken in the past.

Learn Prevailing Wage Laws and Procedures in a fun, interactive, unique way at the CRUSH IT Seminar on the Beach during the day.
Later, at night enjoy the quiet Huntington Beach, California Hilton relaxing resort.
Or spend your evening on the beach watching the seagulls and surfers ’til dusk.