Awarding Body Seminar

PWCA Awarding Body Prevailing Wage Seminar
Schedule: Sessions & Topics
- Review Title 8, California Code of Regulations
- Review California Labor Laws and Prevailing Wage Laws
- Review the Certified Payroll Process relating to Awarding Bodies
- Review Awarding Bodies’ Fines and Penalties
- Review and Register public works projects with the DIR
- Review prevailing wage rates from DIR
- Review proof of contractor registration before awarding a contract.
- Review Project registration: five days of awarding the contract
- Review SB 854, statutory obligations for “awarding bodies” (as defined in Labor Code Section 1722)
- Review 1771.1(b) – Duty to include notice of contractor and subcontractor registration requirement in all bid and contract documents, and duty not to accept bid or enter into a contract without proof of the contractor’s current registration pursuant to Section 1725.5.
- Review 1771.4(a)(1) – Duty to specify in bid and contract documents that the project is subject to compliance monitoring
- Review 1771.4(a)(2) – Duty to post or require the prime contractor to post job site notices, as prescribed by regulation.
- Review 1773.3 – Duty to provide notice to the Department of Industrial Relations of any public works contract within five days of the award [using the online PWC-100 form]
- Review Awarding bodies’ potential legal consequences arising from a failure to satisfy their own unique statutory obligations found in Article 2 of the Public Works Chapter. Article 2 is comprised of Labor Code Sections 1770 through 1782.
Lunch 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
At PWCA we are dedicated to safeguarding the awarding body’s labor law rights.
Call us: 559-389-5838