American Council of Engineering Companies – California
Prevailing Wage Seminars
ACEC Members: Join us for the PWCA CRUSH IT™
Prevailing Wage Webinars June 2 & 9, 2021!
June 2, 2021
Module 1: (9:30am-11:30am): Introduction: “DIR 101” – In this module, ACEC California members will be provided with a step-by-step review of the foundational California Prevailing Wage Laws pursuant to Labor Code Section 1720 and its expanded version that created Section 1768. In addition, we will unpack revised Labor Code’s Section rules, regulations, and operational mandates for members engaged in public works projects in California. We will then review the penalty prevention measures that addresses Section 1720’s warnings to members regarding contract liabilities associated with Module 1’s fundamentals.
Module 2: (1:00pm-3:00pm): Labor Code Rules, Regulations, and Mandates – In Module 2, we build on Module 1 by drilling deeper into the Labor Code regarding our members’ responsibilities and liabilities associated with prevailing wage employees, subconsultants, unions, and apprenticeship programs.
June 9, 2021
Module 3: (9:30am – 11:30am): All About Apprentices, Labor Code Section 3077 and 1777.5 – In this Module, we will cover all aspects pertaining to the Division of Apprenticeship Standards (DAS), and the California Apprenticeship Council (CAC). We will unpack apprenticeship rules, regulations and mandates. We will compare and contrast apprenticeable crafts vs. non-apprenticeable crafts. Then we pivot to the Skilled and Trained Workforce mandates that deal with apprentice and journeyman qualifications, general contractor monthly reporting requirements and remedies for workforce violations pursuant to Public Contract Law, Sections 2600 – 2603
Module 4: (1:00pm – 3:00pm): Wage Determinations and the Certified Payroll Process – In this module, we will unpack the DIR’s wage determination process from beginning to end. We will discuss what must be done to avoid fines and penalties due to non-compliance. Lastly, we will navigate the DIR’s website which will lead us through the wage determination process for apprentices and journeymen for the craft of Soil and Material Testers.
PWCA’s presentation of the DIR/DLSE’s certified payroll procedures was the best and most accurate production of the California labor code requirements I have ever seen. As a proud member of ACEC California, it was a pleasure to review all four modules of the ACEC / PWCA Prevailing Wage Webinar Series.
- ON THE JOB SITE: The new bill, 1768, now includes contract work that requires an engineer to use a “testing tool” or a “repair tool” on any public works site, whether construction ensues or not. (Public Works Case No. 2018-033 Del Rio Trail Environmental).
- APPRENTICESHIP REQUIREMENTS: The new bill, 1768, would subject an engineer to the dispatch of an apprentice when an assistant is needed on a prevailing wage assignment. This also includes Skilled and Trained Workforce Mandates pursuant to Public Contract Law, Sections 2600 – 2603.
- SUBCONSULTANTS: In the event an independent subconsultant is needed on a prevailing wage assignment, LC 1768 makes the assigning engineer jointly and severally liable for the subconsultant’s noncompliance.